Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ouro Preto

Our first stop before arriving at Ouro Preto...

"Uncle Byron" receiving a kind gesture of affection from Sarah. Nice to be an "Uncle"...

Sarah at the square, looking at some of the "soap stone" artwork for sale.

Gemstones being shaped before our eyes! The girls loved it...

Walking back from a gold mine, we stopped in front of a beautiful old church...

Samuel and his mom were with us. They were so wonderful to us! Thank you for all you have done for us!
Two Hunks hanging out! Ok... Well maybe a poncho "want to be" and a John Lennon poser... Either way... Two friends!

1 comment:

Anne/ Mom said...

Hey you hunk you! What great pictures! I love being able to keep up with you guys this way.

Do you know why in the comments area of Jeanne’s blog there is an option for anonymous comments and that is not an option on yours and Sarah’s? Sarah had mentioned that she might get more comments if it was easier for people to send them. I can send them either through my Google or my AIM account but I’m sure some people either don’t want to set up accounts or don’t know how to. It’s no big deal but I was just wondering.

I talked to your mom last night about getting stuff to Crossroads for them to take to you. Can you think of anything else you need that you have not mentioned to your mom? I will be glad to pay for a couple of extra suitcases if they can take them. I think we need to do that this week, don't you?

God bless, much love, Anne