Monday, July 21, 2008

Ministry prep & Fire Dept. visit and evening impact!

Everyone was tired, but got into gear and by 10:00 AM were sorting luggage and placing donations according to scheduled visits... Finally finished by 12:30 for lunch!

Lunch time also was the moment given to their first reflection and Bible study and devotions.

At 2:30 PM we arrived at the Fire Station and was met by "Tenente Penido" and we had an awesome visit! The group watched a presentation, and after that we asked to share a word with them and Rodney shared the Word and asked them to not risk their lives without first giving themselves to Jesus. It was a moving moment and we could tell that the firemen here were truly touched. Jwan the other fire fighter with the group also shared a few words of the importance of Salvation and that being his strength...

Even Sarah got in on the action and she was harnessed up and came down the fire tower... So many new experiences! Fun!
When the firemen turned on their hoses and we got soaked! It was fun to watch all the demonstrations!

The Firefighters becoming brothers!

At the end of our time together the Fireman that received us was given a gift from the American Firefighters... A Bible for Firemen! I didnt even know such a thing existed! But they were so honored to have us and we have a standing invitation already for next year!

At 6:00 PM we had a service at the Casa de Apoio where the community had been invited. There are several stories of how God really stepped in and did some beautiful things!

kevin spoke and Raquel translated... So much I wish I could say! Thats how full the day was and how much God just showed Himself! Good day!

The dance group that came tonight is a special group of young men. Mycon the leader of the group came to Jesus one night several years back during a crossroads mission team. Today he is leading an incredible dance group. Great group of young men!

Here they are with Tristan, Rodney's son.

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