Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday July 6, 2008

First let me direct you to the right of the screen where you will notice two videos from "". They are tiny and not really well done, but I am learning how to put personal video on this blog so hopefully I may share with you in new ways to let you get a glimpse of what some things are like here.

Rarely am I in photos or things of this nature, but that is because I am always taking the pictures, but I hope to get in a few more in the future...

This morning at Waterfall, things worked out well. Andrea gave the lesson and the girls and Samuel sang songs with the children and played games.

This small woman is a tiny giant! What a blessing she is. She is a teacher, a friend and a faithful worker at Waterfall. She is a "star". She may appear small, but Waterfall is moving forward for the Kingdom because of this woman. Like Raquel, she is a point of reference for the church, and for love and encouragement, and most importantly, for Jesus!

Samuel blindfolding Karla for her turn to play the game! Samuel has such a sweet spirit. Thank God for his life!Andrea, which is 4 foot "something" trying to put a blind fold on Sarah, who is "a bit taller", well it was fun to watch...

Then they did this "Marco Polo" type game to prepare for Andrea's lesson. It was a lot of fun for the children... And for the big ones as well!

Tonight, Sarah preached at Vilmo's church and Raquel translated...
Sarah's word for the church was a bit of her testimony and a challenge to the church to Love teens and embrace them. To invest in them in the same way that she had been invested in by the folks at New Salem! Hey, she was bragging about how a small church in N.C. made a difference in her life, and now she stands in Brazil in a pulpit encouraging a group of Christians to "love people like that", and that we are all called to be ministers. She gave a good word! I am so proud of her! She is a "go getter"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey testing