Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Out and About... July 1, 2008

I woke up a bit fuzzy today... So we didn't go in to the hospital, but we spoke to the administrator about our groups up coming visit to just make sure that they were ready for us! Then we met up with Samuel and went to the Fire Department and also confirmed our visit with them.

Me and Sarah and Samuel stopped in to say hello to my children!

This is the greatest feeling in the world!

Took Sarah to the local supermarket and wanted to show her why it is that I bring most of my stuff with me from the USA as well as things for the children. Sarah saw that prices here are not very reasonable on a great deal of things.

It was a good day to be out and about with Samuel and Sarah. Wednesday we will go to Ouro Preto... The city of "black gold". We should have some really neat photos by the end of the day.

God bless,


Anne/ Mom said...

Byron, thank you so very much for continuing to look after Sarah. As I have told you before I honestly do not worry about her being in Brazil. (I miss her like crazy though!) I know she is sensible and you are there for her. Your children are BEAUTIFUL!! Sarah tells me how wonderful they are. God bless you in all that you do. Much love ~ Anne


Thank you! Sarah is a natural and a blessing! I am so glad she came!



I just tried to change the settings... see if it is any easier... If this works right I will help change sarah's settings.

God bless,