Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Is God Personal?

I have been flying internationally now for about 15 years! In that time, on each plane trip you typically receive a small hygiene kit, usually with a toothbrush and a comb, and sometimes a type of blindfold that people use to sleep. In all these years I have never received a PAIR OF SOCKS! On the the trip down to Wales my Hygiene kit was the one on the left... Typically I don't use them, I keep them for when I receive a visitor at home that does not have a toothbrush.

Why is my Hygiene kit important to talk about?

Over the past year, I have hurt so much and seen other people hurt so much that a seed was planted in my heart... A question, and the question is this:

"Does God care about the little things in my life?"

I remember even upsetting a friend in the church last year because I shared with them this feeling. How could God see me hurt and not rescue me? How can God see people suffer and not swoop in to comfort them?

On this plane trip back from Wales, I was fortunate enough to have the middle row all to myself, and I thought, "perfect opportunity to get a good nights rest". Little did I know what would happen.

A drunk man with a cup of hooch plopped down in my row practically on top of my feet during the night. I sat up and he began to talk very loud to me about being wealthy and a ladies man. I nodded to try to be polite. His motor skills were very poor and knocked off his full cup of hooch onto my feet on the floor! He got up to make another lap around the plane and I sat there thinking about the yucky feeling that apparently had no solution...

The drunk man made a few more rounds and I tried to make myself comfortable, thinking maybe my feet would dry out enough to put my shoes on before morning... The drunk man chose me to come back around, plop down and vomit all over the seats and pass out! I went back and told some very angry Stewardesses what had just taken place... He also got sick all over 2 of the 4 available bathrooms that had to be closed for the duration of the trip...

There were a lot of unhappy passengers, and long lines to use the bathroom! The Stewardess relocated me to seat number 16 and although a bit bothered by my experience on row 31, I sat there thinking, "what do I do about my feet"? There was such a strong oder, it smelled like me and "Mr. slosh" was having a party together!

Then I remembered the Hygiene kit! It was back in the front pocket on row 31! I thought, "No way am I going back there to smell the puke... we'll just count that kit as a 'goner'"! As I sat there, I began to get agitated... I am not fond of wet feet, especially ones soaked with alcohol!

Then a thought came into my mind:

Why was the hygiene kit so big this time? I don't know where that thought came from, and I had not paid attention to it since having received it, nor did I pay attention to anyone else opening theirs. I thought:

"what if God gave you provisions for this very moment, but you didn't take advantage of it because you don't want to go back and look?"

"You wont be happy sitting here all night with wet feet... Could there be socks in that kit?"

"No, I have seen once or twice socks in the first class compartment, but never in 15 years have I received something like that!"

Well I got up, went back grabbed the kit and as you see from the picture above... SOCKS!

What if everyone on that plane got a pair of socks that day because God knew I would need a pair?

Does God care about the small details of our lives?

On the program "House M.D." a rather atheistic sitcom where "House makes a comment on one episode about Christian hypocrisy, something to the effect of: "children are starving in Africa and Christians are here, praying about their lottery numbers"...

You have to decide for yourself... You can let a "House-ism" explain the universe for you, or you can choose to recognize God in the small things. I don't know why I must go through the valleys, but I believe sometimes He gives us "kisses on the cheek" along the way to let us know He is there.

Am I being a hypocrite for thinking that could have been God's provision for me? You may believe I just had a lucky guess, but if you don't give Him credit for the small things, how will you ever see Him in the big ones?

Is God personal? Yes, I believe He is!


varianelle said...
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Oops... Gina a friend left a comment on this article about airlines on her flights to China always give her the kits with socks... I was going to comment back and ended up deleting her comment. Sorry...


My comment was going to be... Funny though that after all my years of flying that this would be the time to receive "just such a kit"...