Monday, April 14, 2008

203 Maraba'

What is this address? Why did it effect my life? Well a man by the name of Jim Jones lived at this address in Belo Horizonte!

Jim Jones in 1978 ordered more that 900 people to drink or be injected with a deadly poison... You can find out the whole story by going into "" and typing in "Jim Jones and the peoples temple". You can Watch the entire History channel documentary on his life.

Jim Jones touched the world, and left a mark, only the mark he left was a sad and tragic one... When I found out that he had lived in Belo Horizonte and I had never known, I decided that I wanted to see the house for myself and speak to the neighbors.

Me and Samuel went to the house this past week. We spoke to Dona Teresa about whether or not she knew him. She, at 79 remembered the news reporters all gathered outside this house right after the tragedy took place. She recalled her mother speaking about him as a pleasant man, quiet, seemingly normal.

To me this was a day of revelation! The fact that the couple living in this home had no idea of who had owned the home before them... The fact that this man had lived in this place and lived out his daily tasks in the same place I call home today, and in 11 years no one I have ever met has even mentioned that he lived here.

No words can describe to you the feelings and thoughts I had that day. There are so many observations that could be made...

- The comments from the neighbor as to his seemingly normal appearance... Monsters don't really look scary all the time.
- The fact that this man left an impact on the world in such a negative way...
- Being careful of who you follow. Are we following man or Jesus?

Whatever the lessons to be learned could be... I will never forget 203 Maraba' and Dona Teresa.

I sat outside this front gate and prayed... "Oh God, Please let me make an impact, but not like this man. He walked in this place but left a dark mark in history. Let me be blessing not a curse in this place."

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