Friday, July 20, 2012

Mission to Brazil July 2012

At the Refuge Drug and Alcohol Recuperation Center the interns learn to make brooms out of 2 Liter bottles to sell to make money to sustain the program.
Crossroads Mission Team 2012

All of us looking rather snazzy for Samuel's Wedding!

Samuel with my children before the Wedding

At the Refuge, Theodore lifting weights showing us how strong he is!

My Family

Raquel translation for Michael

The Youth from the 1st Baptist church of Florestal performing a Drama about how sin makes people prisoners to their sin...

Regina, an amazing servant cutting peoples hair for free before while the rest of the team was visiting and ministering door to door...

Giving the plan of Salvation to APAI a home for children and adults with special needs.

just hanging out between commitments

Kevin teaching at a service at a church in Itauna M.G.

The wonderful host and leaders of the Brazilian Team: Dr. Carlos and Luziane, his wife.

Bruce the clown has an amazing effect on children and young people where ever he goes and his heart belongs to Jesus what a great guy!

Jesus is the mans name to my right...  He was to be baptized by John who was a Baptist...  Just seemed a little ironic...  Jesus was the man who owned a store in the middle of the city of "Waterfall of Souls" and he helped us when the whole community shun us.  Now he has given his life to Jesus in Heaven to live in his heart and he is evangelizing and giving Bibles and blessing lives where ever he goes.

The interns at Refugio Recuperation House Playing Praise and Worship with us.

Jesus being Baptised

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