Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cancer treatments...

When you have several family members pass through cancer and the treatments for it you have certain emotions that just "go with it". You wouldnt believe how many people are LINED UP at the check in desk, or how many are sitting in the waiting room waiting for their treatments! Literally, you would think that you would see this kind of line at the DMV or K&W, but when you realize just how many people are going through this dreaded disease, well it makes you "think about life" and how fragile it really is.

Here in the pic above you can see my mom has done so Awesome! She is gaining weight and the doctors are so pleased with her progress!

My dads last treatment

Dad loved to drive and he love his car.

When I look at the front of this building, I see my father back in 2003 standing at the door waiting for me to pick him up with his car that he no longer had the strength to drive, and as I had walked off to pick up the car in the parking lot, my father lost his composure, realizing that the doctors had done everything they could and nothing else could be done. He fought for me not to see him cry, but it was here that I remember my dad giving up the hope he had fought so hard to hold on to. As we arrived back home he moved slowly around to the passenger side of the car and opened the glove box to clean it out because he realized that he would never drive again.

The view from the basement floor of the cancer center out the window beside the radiation machines.

Some people have asked what the machine looks like... This is where I see people facing off with cancer and finding determination. The people change clothes in changing rooms and then one right after the other come in and lie down and the workers line them up and then close these huge metal doors that are more than a foot thick and give them their dose of radiation. Although the treatment is like an x-ray, the effects of the exposure come later.

The good news:
Mom looks fantastic and I believe that she will not have any more problems after her treatments are over. The doctors give every indication that she is the model picture of recovery!

Thank you Jesus!

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