Sunday, September 7, 2008

Good-bye Aunt Vangie...

Today the children at Waterfall were talking about the subject of death. We didn't bring it up, it was already on their little minds.

They were asking questions about where a person goes if they haven't been baptized, and what the Bible says about judgment and whether we are actually with God or resting until we are resurrected. All kinds of interesting questions were being asked because of one of the childrens school teachers that also died this morning! At that moment, believe it or not my mom called on the nextel and told me that my Aunt Vangie had just died.

Those of you who have been here and have talked with me for any length of time know that the nextel doesn't have good signal reception at Waterfall of Souls, you have to be standing at the right place at the right moment, in fact today is the first time that I have ever received a call on the nextel at Waterfall.

Today is also the 5th anniversary of Raquel's Brothers death. He had an accident on his motorcycle in Sept. of 2003.

I could imagine all of my family in North Carolina weeping and being sad and I wished that I could be there, but its "snack time" in Waterfall and these children have no clue who Evangeline Cirba was but the children there talking about the very subject of death.

So I told them about the call I had just received, and Raquel and I let them know how important making the decision to follow Jesus is and that there is a time limit on the offer.

When Thiago died there was such a sense of loss. Although I do feel a sadness and loss for Aunt Vangie, I also can imagine on of my dads "Welcome hello's" and a moment of reunion for my dad and his sister.

We will loose everyone we will ever love and we will all face death personally, but its not such a bad thing when you know that we will rejoin our loved ones in a place where there is no more suffering and sadness for all Eternity. That is, IF we have made the decision to give our lives to Jesus!

As it is with all those who "leave us", Aunt Vangie will be sorely missed by so many, me included.


Kiki said...

I am sorry for your loss, Byron. Mourning is for the living, not the dead. Won't it be a great day when we can rejoice in heaven and not mourn anything anymore??!!
God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! You are so right!

God bless you. Big hugs to the family.


Anonymous said...

We are never prepared for the loss of a loved one, but God is always prepared to help us through that loss. May His presence begin the healing in your heart and soul and may His love surround you with the comfort only He can give.
Love, prayers and blessings,
John and Mama Bonnie : )