Sunday, September 28, 2008

Banana's for Waterfall!

A little bit of study...

A little snack...

And a whole lot of bananas! Actually, Banana's and beets... What a blessing!

Do they like bananas?


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Good moments at "The House of Help" Casa de Apoio

Unexpectedly I received a few extra hours with my children on Friday night. At the house the gang was playing Uno and waiting for pizza to arrive. It was a fun evening!

My family along with Samuel who is the directors son.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

cold rainy day at waterfall of souls

Today Andrea taught class at Waterfall. We didn't meet at our usual spot because it was so windy and cold this morning, even though you cant tell by looking at the picture.

The activity was to pass a can around with a surprise that could be "good or bad"... The can was passes from hand to hand while they sang a song until I shouted "Stop"! It stopped in Fran's hand... Fran loved her surprise... It could have been written on a piece of paper for her to do a silly dance or one thing or another similar, she is such a closed and angry little girl, but the surprise was a sweet one. If it had of been anything else she wouldn't have appreciated it, she would have just walked away as she has already so many times. Andrea then read a story about a "cracked flower pot" to teach the children that we all have imperfections but that God can use us even with our flaws and that each one of us are special.

Fran who stands at a distance and never feels "special" was the only one to receive a candy bar. It may seem silly, but she is here every week but always distant. Today she was "special"... She "won" something! She smiled! If we could just break down the walls and reach each one of these children and create loving lasting relationships... If they can see themselves as important and valuable! Then its worth all the sacrifice!

Every week the children beg to ride in my car around the block of the village. They yell out the windows and find that riding in my car around the block is one of the most exciting things they experience from one week to the next!

Long overdue time with my children!

Its difficult to go for a while without spending time with my children but when we are together the time is very special. Below are two pictures of the children at the neighborhood park.

For a rare treat my mom sent the ingredients for a childhood delight that I am introducing to my children.

But unfortunately the time passes by in the blink of an eye and its over... It is always special though!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Walking in a Summer Winter Land!? Could this be Brazil?

You wouldn't believe the view from my motorcycle as I was coming home from town on Wednesday! There had been an unbelievable hail storm! It was hot and yet it looked to be winter in North Carolina!

Peoples roofs collapsed! Car windshields were broken and house windows were shattered! Some people saw hail that were the size of tennis balls!

For me to see this ice covered horizon, was "different" but imagine what it was for people who have never seen winter weather!

I couldnt get this picture to turn but its the only one I have that shows you how it looked close up! Remember, This is South America that you are looking at!

These pictures were taken about 10 minutes from the "Casa de Apoio" where I live!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

We got a little crazy today!

First of all, check out the incredible color and beauty of this tree! Such color! One of the things you have to love about this Country!

Its kind of tough to explain but we had a great time of communion today with the kids. We played and just had a good time. We took more pictures than this blog post had room for, but let me just say almost everyone had to be carried today. Just look at the smiles... Look at their faces! Everyone loved it...

Raquel is such a ray of sunshine!

Lucas is such a special boy! God bless his little heart and life!

Arent these beautiful people! Some of my favorite people in the whole world!

Ok, well I wasn't smiling that much at this particular moment... I was thinking... "oh crap, I might need Dr.Ozment in a minute"... Pedro was having fun anyway!

Samuel had this idea to play "catch" with Andrea... He actually threw her! I thought "ok, I can do this"!

Can you see those budging biceps! Contain yourselves, you women out there! I actually blew it... I just couldn't throw her... I chickened out! I kind of passed her like the uncoordinated dork that I am... So much for my picture on the cover of "harlequin romance novels".

Everybody got handled today... But the point was to "love up" on all the kids, and it was good for them. Everyday we see more walls come down, and we see these kids come to new places of love and trust for us.

This little boy in the picture above, last week punched Raquel in the stomach, bit her, hurt her foot. Raquel had to call the police on him and put him in the street. This boy has seen more hurt and violence in his short life than most adults. He is in so much pain. Raquel took this boy home with her to spend the night and then brought him with her today with us to Waterfall! This weekend has been a time of love for him as well.

I think Andrea was starting to get spoiled... Let me introduce you to the new queen of Sheba!

Today's verse was Acts 2: 42 and our time was all about fun and communion...

What a group of studs!

I have a secret to tell you... When I nibble at finger foods, I always use my pinky and my thumb. Whew, Glad I got that off my chest. Don't know why Raquel was looking at me like that but it wasnt about the pinky thing... I promise... To say the truth my conversations today have been rather silly today, not any different really than the present moment.

We stuffed our faces! We laughed, we sang and played together! It was nice to have a fun silly time together. It was a good day!

Samuel brought 5 kilo bags of sugar for each of the families of our group. What "sweet" guy!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Childrens school presentation

My son (behind) with his school buddy, Davi... Right before their Noah's ark song.

Shalom getting "made up" by her teacher before her class went up to sing.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Good-bye Aunt Vangie...

Today the children at Waterfall were talking about the subject of death. We didn't bring it up, it was already on their little minds.

They were asking questions about where a person goes if they haven't been baptized, and what the Bible says about judgment and whether we are actually with God or resting until we are resurrected. All kinds of interesting questions were being asked because of one of the childrens school teachers that also died this morning! At that moment, believe it or not my mom called on the nextel and told me that my Aunt Vangie had just died.

Those of you who have been here and have talked with me for any length of time know that the nextel doesn't have good signal reception at Waterfall of Souls, you have to be standing at the right place at the right moment, in fact today is the first time that I have ever received a call on the nextel at Waterfall.

Today is also the 5th anniversary of Raquel's Brothers death. He had an accident on his motorcycle in Sept. of 2003.

I could imagine all of my family in North Carolina weeping and being sad and I wished that I could be there, but its "snack time" in Waterfall and these children have no clue who Evangeline Cirba was but the children there talking about the very subject of death.

So I told them about the call I had just received, and Raquel and I let them know how important making the decision to follow Jesus is and that there is a time limit on the offer.

When Thiago died there was such a sense of loss. Although I do feel a sadness and loss for Aunt Vangie, I also can imagine on of my dads "Welcome hello's" and a moment of reunion for my dad and his sister.

We will loose everyone we will ever love and we will all face death personally, but its not such a bad thing when you know that we will rejoin our loved ones in a place where there is no more suffering and sadness for all Eternity. That is, IF we have made the decision to give our lives to Jesus!

As it is with all those who "leave us", Aunt Vangie will be sorely missed by so many, me included.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Raquel speaking on missions!

Last night, Aug. 31st, Raquel was asked to preach for missions night at a small church. She did an excellent job. It is special to hear here tell why missions is so important. She challenged the congregation to understand that we sometimes work against ourselves instead of working in partnership with the Lord, and that we need to get past that and really hear the Word of the Lord a fresh and anew so that we may live missions!

Just last month they had asked me to speak, and this month they asked her. I am sure that we have contributed in a positive way to inspire this small church to reaching out and being authentic.
What a privilege to encourage others and hopefully inspire them to do something new and courageous for God!