Sunday, August 10, 2008

Today in Florestal and Waterfall!

Look at the beautiful yellow trees that just from last week to this week have bloomed! Everywhere we went it was with constant reflections of how only God could create something that just "stands out" so brilliantly as these trees do.

Purses and flip flops had been left from the group to distribute to the children at Waterfall, and today we gave them these special gifts. The children participate and show up and give their attentions to us. They know that they are loved!

Today as the girls made "reflections" on paper on their greatest memories in life, one of the girls "Katia" wrote two things... "the day I met you" and "my birthday". The reflection paper was given to Raquel and as she read them, we were talking about how important our being in this place is to these children.

Believe it or not I actually got in a picture today... there was no way to do it and have good lighting, because there is no place to set the camera down, and since I am always taking the pictures, well its hard to show you everything else and get in the photos with everyone else. One thing I can tell you Andrea, Raquel, and Leandro, and Samuel and Pedro are all people that I thank God for, because they are part of the work. Each week different people come, while others are working or have other family obligations, but what a privilege to work with these great hearts!For Lunch we stayed with Dr.Carlos. A Welshman named Dean is here and made lunch for everyone! What a treat! We had a beautiful table of food set before us, and apple pie and cheese cake to top it all off with hot tea!

Tonight we listened to him speak, (Dean on the right) spoke on "not being ashamed of the Gospel" Romans 1:16!


Kiki said...

Thank you for posting the picture so we can see the kids with the donations! We really miss all of you. We miss the kids, too. But it's great to see everyone's smiles! What beautiful children God makes!!

Anonymous said...

hope you are well... Missing you guys of course! How are things there?

Anonymous said...

Hey Byron!!!!!!

Chad from Crossroads

Anonymous said...

Hey Chad! Glad to see you dropped in!

God bless you,

Anonymous said...

Thanks Byron for letting your world be ours too back in the states. I love visiting the website and seeing how you all are doing! Please don't stop! I just search to see the faces of the ones I know and smile when I see the children! Raquel has found where she belongs...those kids are depending on her! It shows!

Missing you all very much!
Jodi :>)