Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pastor Wesley and IBJEM!

IBJEM is my local church here in Brazil and Pastor Wesley is my Brazilian Pastor. Tonight they met as a church and have discussed a group to minister with the up coming team in July.

Rubia his wife also began praying for God to work out all the details and hearts for this time together...Pastor Wesley also wanted me to put a special note that he wrote to those of you who pray for the church and for his family, and of course to those who are on your way down for the next mission team:

Grace and Peace:

Our hearts here are made happy to know that we have brothers and friends like you that are always remembering us in your prayers. Each time that Byron tells us that a group is coming, we are certain that our commitment to each other continues in the Lord.

We are thankful for everything that you cover us in prayer about: Cards, gifts, offerings, and so many other things that you have blessed us with. You are special to us, and we don’t know how to thank you.

I, Rubia, and Luiz Filipe continue to pray for you asking God to richly bless you.

In Christ Jesus,
Pastor Wesley Cassette and Family

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