Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What its Like to Visit a Public Health Clinic

After all these years, and things have improved a lot in 11 years, it is possible to bring to you images from "day to day" living, not just a rare image on a news letter... So now as I walk along I think of what pictures I may take to help bring you "here" to where I am.

This is one public health clinic or "health post" as it would be translated from Portuguese to English... People wake up at 4 AM, earlier or later depending on the urgency of the problem and go to a public health clinic. When the clinic opens there are "fichas" or numbers given to people that are in line guaranteeing that they will be attended that day.

On this day I was called to take someone to the clinic. We were fortunate to be seen immediately because the person being seen is severely deformed and has to be held or he lashes out and could hurt someone so we were seen rather quickly... So an appointment was made and we were in and out quickly.

I have used this clinic when I needed medical care in the past, and because I have no insurance this is also my personal clinic... I thank God that I enjoy good health for the most part, and hope that by the time I actually need more frequent care that the public system improves.

It is not rare that to even get a simple x-ray you must drive to two or three different facilities searching for one that actually isn't broken!

This is a major modern, wealthy city in Brazil... Imagine what the rest, less fortunate ones face...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

This weekend... May 23rd - 25th

Its kind of hard to stop on the side of the road to take pictures, but I wanted you to see a fairly common sight here in Brazil... Selling saints along the roadside. It wasn't long ago that I noticed Catholic candles and merchandise being sold in North Carolina, but in Brazil you almost forget to take notice because idolatry is so much a part of the culture. It really effects every aspect of life in South America in the big cities and the small ones.

I took Vilmo and Nelsi and Samuel, the directors of the social project where I live, to the church in Florestal today where they spoke to the church about street children. They challenged the church, and really made an impact on everyone. It was a beautiful morning and afternoon!

This morning we had 19 children at Waterfall of Souls. Andrea gave the lesson and everyone participated and had a great time... God has blessed!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pastor Wesley and IBJEM!

IBJEM is my local church here in Brazil and Pastor Wesley is my Brazilian Pastor. Tonight they met as a church and have discussed a group to minister with the up coming team in July.

Rubia his wife also began praying for God to work out all the details and hearts for this time together...Pastor Wesley also wanted me to put a special note that he wrote to those of you who pray for the church and for his family, and of course to those who are on your way down for the next mission team:

Grace and Peace:

Our hearts here are made happy to know that we have brothers and friends like you that are always remembering us in your prayers. Each time that Byron tells us that a group is coming, we are certain that our commitment to each other continues in the Lord.

We are thankful for everything that you cover us in prayer about: Cards, gifts, offerings, and so many other things that you have blessed us with. You are special to us, and we don’t know how to thank you.

I, Rubia, and Luiz Filipe continue to pray for you asking God to richly bless you.

In Christ Jesus,
Pastor Wesley Cassette and Family

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mothersday at Waterfall...

Just wanted to show a couple of photos from this weekend at Waterfall...

As you can see, on the far left, Pedro is coming with us again and loving spending time with with the children each week. This week Raquel had a special Mothers day meal with the family that she now lives with. Leandro, and Samuel also had the same family obligations, so it was just me, Pedro and Andrea this week.

Andrea had the children write Mothers day cards for their moms... It was a good day!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Waterfall Mist!

If you stand in front of a waterfall you feel a mist sometimes where the water is spraying outward...

Its not intentional, its just what it is... A force and momentum that feeds outward and effects constantly where it falls...

What will the future hold? We would have never imagined even coming this far...

Please pray that the waterfall at Waterfall of Souls will continue to pour out on peoples lives... That the "mist" of the Holy Spirit will use us to spray out and touch and continue to touch the lives of this generation of Souls in this place because we are there. May the "fount" never run dry in our lives so that we may make a difference here!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Day out with Samuel

What a BEAUTIFUL DAY!!! Samuel put me on his fathers motorcycle and Thank You Paulo for that! Then he took me to two amazing places... Piety mountain Serra da Piedade, and the mountains that make shapes of faces Serra do Caraça (my personal translation)...

So we drove around 300 Km and faced all kinds of weather and traffic conditions. These mountains are part of Brazil that I have never seen. For so long I have been a home body and refused to go out and do different things. My first brave step was to get back on a motorcycle after around 19 years having had a very nasty accident which left me unable to imagine ever riding again.

The beauty was breath taking, the hights were scary and I actually froze up a bit climbing up to the peak just so I could get my picture taken... So it was a day of firsts...

Beyond the trip itself is the communion that I am having with my brothers here... Samuel have had great moments together in the past, but with Samuel and Leandro, we share time that we can share our problems and pray for each other and have times of devotions and reflection together... They are teaching me to live again!

Thank you Jesus for wonderful friends!