"What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost." (Matthew 18:12-14, NIV)
"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, `Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." (Luke 15:4-7, NIV)
This is the Bible... The WORD of God... Not a story of the "Good Sheep & Bad Sheep"... Those who deserve to be sought after and those who are not worth our time because of better prospects!
It seems to me that that front and back door language has replaced the language of how the Bible puts it: "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them." The church is the "place of Worship" rather than the "100 sheep being the church"... Beautiful costly spaces for expensive programs that the sheep carry burdens to provide for themselves, and keep up and expand ever more! Not simple fields of pasture for the sheep to graze with the protection of a loving Pastor...
Since I have been in Brazil this year I have been made aware of a practice taking place in the church meeting places by the Pastors:
Different close friends in different churches dealing with their Pastors... Here are just a couple of examples of what I'm talking about:
When "A" asked for a letter of transfer to attend a different church, her Pastor said that church membership was as serious as a marriage commitment and the only thing he would give her if she left the church would be a "curse" (maldição)...
When "C" had the opportunity to go to another Country for a mission trip and she wanted to tell her Pastor, thinking that he would be happy to see her stepping out in faith. He responded:
"Did you come to me to inform me of your plans or to ask for my permission and my blessing?"
She replied, "I just wanted to tell you of my plans..."
Her Pastors response was, "And what if I dont give you my blessing?"
"V" had a rumor that was started about her in the church of taking indecent liberties with a minor. She was condemed without ever being visited or talked to! Then accused by others who attend the church and live in her building of visitors coming to visit at different times. Since she already had one cruel accusation placed on her its all to easy to find more to talk about! One of the sweetest, kindest women and yet burried in a scandle without any Pastoral help. Convicted and sentenced without so much as one visit or conversation... So much so that when members of the church see her on the street, they turn around and walk the other way and refuse to even say "hello"! Broken hearted, and tortured inside about how "this" could have happened! Today, out side of the church...
I could go on and give you story after story of people that I know that are being terribly hurt by the churches that they freely joined thinking that they were joining a fellowship of like minded brothers and sisters coming together to Worship Jesus. Many of these people are out of fellowship now. Pastors that feel that they have the God given authority and right to "curse" you if you feel its time to look for a new place to congregate!
What about the 100th sheep? It seems to me that the mentality is not what the biblical account encourages, rather, it appears that the image is one of, "Why bother with the one that has strayed when we have the 99 in attendance that are following our cell group plan to multiply into so many more, so why worry about the few that are unwilling to get into the vision!"
We as sheep give ourselves to a place and group of people of Worship. We give a certain few authority over our lives because we believe in them to be Pastors. Lovers of the things of God! When we place barbed wire fences around the flock, not for their protection, but for the sake of egos and financial stratagies and other like motives what we will see is that the sheep will get fed up and squeeze through the fences and take their chances amongst the wolves. Will they get "picked off" by the wolves outside? Well, maybe, but they are already getting picked off in the very place they were supposed to be loved and protected!
This should not be! Is this parable too idealistic? Or is there something else wrong? Now there are entire shelves in book stores dedicated for books like, "Why I Left the Church". Now you hear teachings from the pulpits to explain the problems of the sheep that stray, and complain that they were never once called or visited. The sheep are saying, "see, I knew no one cared", and the Protectors of the sheep are saying, "It's wrong for you to have the expectation anyway of having a Pastor call on you! We're too busy to bother with that."